Things you must know about eating onions

1. Thick meat in spring and summer, more spicy in autumn and winter

In spring and summer, we can buy fresh onions. The outermost skin of this onion is thinner, and the flesh is thicker, more watery, and less spicy. In colder times, onions are mostly stored, they are more spicy, thicker, and less watery.

2. Store in a dark place

When buying onions, buy those that are heavy in your hands, dry, firm, and have no scratches or smell (because onions will release an odor when they are scratched or scratched). Store the purchased onions in a low temperature, dry, dark, and well-ventilated place. Never put onions in a plastic bag this way, onions that are durable will soon rot.

3. Purple onion is spicy, white onion is sweet

Common onions are divided into two types: purple skin and white skin. White onion is tender and tender, with high moisture and sweetness. It has a golden color and rich sweetness after cooking for a long time. It is more suitable for fresh food, baking or stewing; purple onion has reddish meat and strong spicy taste. Suitable for stir-frying or making lettuce salad. Purple onions are more nutritious.

4. Fry a little bit, the flavor is stronger

Onions can bring a rich taste and beautiful caramel color to the dishes. To achieve this effect, slow heat heating is an important secret. The specific method is: pour a little oil into the pot, add the sliced ​​onions, and heat them over low heat to slowly and fully release the sugar. Stir fry occasionally to avoid sticking to the pan, and cover the pan to keep the temperature and humidity.

5. Raw onions bring out a cool feeling

The raw onion tastes a bit offensive, but it is these flavored substances that have excellent health functions such as anti-cancer. If you want to get more health from onions, eating them raw or mixed with salads is the best way. When eating greasy foods such as beef and mutton, pairing with raw onions can relieve greasiness and bring out a fresh mint feeling.

6. Remove "onion bad breath" from salad

The sulfides in onions are beneficial health ingredients, but they also have an annoying side-the "bad breath" that makes people smell like onions. Brushing your teeth may not be effective at this time, so try a salad. Because the enzymes in raw fruits and vegetables can neutralize sulfide and remove bad breath.

7. When to use onion powder

In addition to pepper and ginger powder, onion powder also appeared on supermarket shelves. However, the use of this onion powder is very limited it it does not have the rich flavor and sweetness of fresh onions. But you can use it when you don't want to eat onions, such as deep-fried paste, dipping sauce, baking biscuits, etc.

8. How to cut onions without choking

When the onion is opened, the sulfide inside will react, causing people to cry. Teach you a simple method: put onions in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes before cutting them. In addition, the sharper the knife is, the less chance the onion will choke. Also cut the roots last, because the roots have the highest sulfide content.

9. Onions and these relatives

Green onions, many chefs only use the white and light green parts of green onions. Its spiciness is lighter than that of onions, and it tastes softer when cooked. Chives, the spread egg cake, soup put a little time, a little band of onions, and a fresh flavor. Garlic has lower water content and higher sugar content than onions. They are similar to onions in terms of flavor and health value.