Benefits Of Green Tea

There are many types of tea, and different teas have different effects. Drinking tea is a good way to keep healthy. In life, many people have the habit of drinking green tea. Although green tea has many benefits, there are also many specialties about drinking green tea. Some people are not suitable for drinking green tea.

Green tea is more common in life. Green tea is mainly a drink made from new leaves or buds of tea leaves without any processing. Since green tea has not undergone any processing, it retains its original flavor, so the tea brewed is green in the soup, and green tea can prevent diseases.

The ingredients contained in green tea can effectively prevent and treat diseases. Green tea has certain pharmacological effects. So, what are the benefits of drinking green tea? let's take a look together below.

4 Benefits Of Green Tea

1. Delaying aging

Drinking green tea regularly can delay aging, because the tea polyphenols in green tea can eliminate free radicals in the human body, and can remove trash in the body. It is a good scavenger.

2. Prevent the occurrence of cancer

Green tea can effectively prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body. The tea polyphenols in tea can effectively kill cancer cells. Therefore, regular drinking of green tea can prevent cancer.

3. Beauty and beauty

Drinking green tea can not only beautify your face, but also washing your face with green tea water has a good beauty effect, because green tea water can effectively control oil and shrink pores. Therefore, green tea has the effect of preventing skin aging.

4. Refreshing

Green tea contains a certain amount of caffeine, which can enhance the excitement of the cerebral cortex, thereby promoting the nerve center to be in a state of excitement, and has the effect of refreshing.

Although green tea has many benefits, there are a lot of specialties in drinking green tea. It is not suitable for everyone. The following people should remember not to drink green tea.

1. Patients with liver

It is best not to drink green tea for patients with liver, because the caffeine in tea will affect the liver. People with poor liver disease who drink too much green tea may cause damage to liver metabolism. Therefore, patients with poor liver disease should avoid drinking green tea.

2. Patients with urinary stones

People with urinary stones usually have calcium oxalate stones, and tea contains oxalic acid, which will form stones because of the calcium excreted in the urine. If the patients with urinary stones drink a lot of green tea, the condition will be aggravated.

3. Pregnant women

Pregnant women drinking green tea will affect the intelligence of the fetus. The caffeine contained in tea has a stimulating effect on the fetus. Especially when drinking strong tea, it has a greater impact on the fetus. Therefore, pregnant women should drink less or not drink green tea as much as possible.

4. Breastfeeding women

If you drink green tea during breastfeeding, too much caffeine will be absorbed by the baby through the milk. After the baby drinks these caffeine-containing milk, it will be excited, which will affect the baby's sleep and the baby will not get enough sleep. There was crying.

5. Fever

If you are in a fever stage, it is best not to drink green tea, because the caffeine in tea will increase the body temperature of the human body, and it will also reduce the efficacy of the medicine and affect the therapeutic effect.

Green tea is very popular in life. Drinking green tea regularly is helpful for health. Especially women who drink green tea often can replenish the body's rich water and achieve the effect of beauty and weight loss. However, green tea also has both sides, so don't drink too much, so as not to affect the body.